
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



What has God been teaching me about this word, might you ask. Allow me to tell you! 


During the second month of the Race, while we were in Louisiana, I had a friend walk up to me and ask me a question. She asked how I defined the word dependance. Immediately I wanted to just look up the definition and read it, but then the Father revealed to me how I define this word. 


I defined this word in to different ways, and they both were images the Father gave me. The first one was me leaning against His hand. Therefore leaning on Him, but able to stand on my own when I saw fit. Secondly, I saw myself in His palm sitting in delight of the Father going where ever He went. 


The first one was the way I was living and honestly sometimes the way I am still tempted to live. I can stand on my own. I can be strong on my own. I don’t need help. This mindset was one of self. I had gone through hurtful relationships in the past and did not know what or even who to trust at any given time. 


Over the course of the Race, the Lord showed me a different side of Him. Him as Father. And I as His beloved daughter. He showed me that He is trustworthy. He invited me into the throne room with Him and it became my favorite place to just BE. Time and time again I enter the throne room and never leave the same. 


I have a sweet friend at home that I relied on for a lot. The Father showed me that it’s okay to take a step back and rely on Him in all things. Back a few blogs ago, I talked about how I gave my heart back to the Father. He revealed to me that I did not whole heartedly trust Him. I built a wall up between He and I  years ago when my grandmother passed away and I did not even know it. The wall is now down and my heart is in His hands. 


I have had to train myself to turn to Him in all things. I have heard that His peace surpasses all understanding. There have been times where I have talked myself into a corner about any given situation. Similar to being in the jungle with vines everywhere, and not being able to see a clear path. I have learned that turning to Him is allowing Him to clear the vines and show me the path that He has had there all along. 


My heavenly Father is so good. He is, again, so trustworthy. And He has my best intentions at heart. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalms 119:105) Walking with the Father and fully trusting Him means knowing He is a lamp for your feet. It’s knowing that you can see the next step, but that you may not be able to see three steps in front of you, and that’s okay. 


Sweet people, depending on the Lord in and through it all – even when you don’t feel it – is the best thing one can ever do. 


God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.


With all the love from Ecuador,


10 responses to “Dependance.”

  1. Thank you for being so transparent about what you are learning about dependence. What a journey you are having! So excited to read your words they are encouraging to me. Hugs from MS.

  2. Oh the places we will go! 🙂

    The Lord is so faithful at showing us how much he loves us. It’s us that step away from him and his protective arms. How beautiful it is when we are reminded that he is and always will be our loving Father that stays and will never leave.

    Watching your walk with the Lord is such an encouragement and I am often able to share your experiences with others.
    We may never know how much your testimony during this journey will be an encouragement to someone.

    Oh Praise the One Who Paid my Debt and raised this life up from the dead! ????

    You are Loved!


  3. I love how the Father so sweetly weaves images together from the beginning of your race to now. He is never late in His timing. He delights in you as a vessel for his vast thoughts! He loves to share his heart with you!

  4. Katelyn,
    At 51, I’m STILL learning increased dependence upon the Father, season by season. There is more I can give to Him, greater trust in Him, a deeper reliance in His ways and not my own. I’m so thankful He is not yet finished shaping, molding, teaching any of us. More of Jesus, less of me, day by day.