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 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Hello friends!

I am T H R I L L E D to announce  that I am leaving in September to go on THE WORLD RACE! More specifically, World Race Gap Year, Activation Route! I will be a part of a co-ed group made up of approximately 32 awesome humans! The Activation Route focuses on serving local partners as they activate and establish the church in their communities! (I mean SO COOL! Right?!) Our route is Guatemala, Cambodia, and then Eswatini! We will be in each place for about three months! 

I learned about the experience in 2015 through word of mouth about a local teacher who went on the WR. Then in 2019, I had a friend go on mission through the WR. I also work at a coffee shop where an employee is currently on the race, and another co-worker and I will leave later this year for the Race! (how cool!) There have been many big and little things in life that have happened and have contributed to my preparation for a mission such as this. There have been times in the past where I have looked at the application and not felt a peace about filling it out, BUT this time was different. 

When I saw the application, there was an immediate heart and gut feeling. The same feeling when I am about to lift my hands in worship or take a leap of faith. I called a friend and asked her to pray with me about the opportunity. She reminded me about the unexplainable peace of God, and told me that if it was God’s intention for me to be on the trip, it would all work out. Later that week, I felt at peace about filling out the application. A little over a week later I got a text about next steps! It was finally interview time! Before hanging up from the interview, I was informed that I got accepted to be a part of the World Race Gap Year Activation Route for 2021! In that moment I cried. I remembered not what I had gone through, but all that I had grown through.

There have been many times where I have wanted to lean on my own understanding and not trust in the Lord with all my heart. This past season of life has taught me to lean on Him through it all. Being college aged and a Christian is not easy. There are times that I so wanted to just fit in and not be different. (and there were times I gave into the temptation) Through it all, God was and continues to be faithful. He continues to remind me that I am “set apart” to glorify Him and grow His kingdom. What an honor. He already won. There is nothing to lose when choosing Him. Having Christ, I have everything I could ever need. 

I am humbled to be chosen for such work! I can’t wait to see where the Lord takes me and for Him to radically change my perspective! As always, God is so good! All the time! All the time! God is so good!


Much love, 

Katelyn Powell

Sumrall, MS


3 responses to “An Unexplainable Peace.”

  1. “He already won. There is nothing to lose in choosing Him” AMEN KATELYN! I love that so much and I love hearing your heart about how the Lord brought you to this point! You are so loved and I am so excited and expectant for this year alongside you!

  2. I am so PROUD of you, Katelyn! Stepping out from the “comfortable” and pursuing The Great Commission under the umbrella of faith, protection and provision the Lord has given you. I’m honored to be a faithful partner of your journey by encouraging and praying for you every step. May the name of JESUS be glorified in it all! I pray he leads, guides, and directs every step.
    Much love! ??

  3. Wow! You are really taking a leap of faith and I admire you for that! Can’t wait to hear more!